10+ Hours of recorded content
 Doubt Solving & Community Learning
 Access: 1 year (Recordings & other resource material Available)
 Pre-requisites: No pre-requisite required (beginner-friendly)
Live Session for Q & A
Get an Exclusive Discord Group with Akshit
 Language: Hindi

For 1st 100 Enrollment, the Price is 999/- Only 

Know your coach! 👋


I am Akshit Madan, a Software Engineer by profession and a Teacher by passion. I have a YouTube channel where I teach various tech stacks and software development concepts to help people become industry-ready. I believe that anyone can learn to code, and my goal is to make coding accessible to everyone. Through my videos, I strive to simplify complex topics and make them easy to understand for beginners as well as experienced developers. My expertise are in Full Stack App Development (Flutter + Node/Express) and various Cloud Technologies. I have worked with various startups and helped them launch their MVPs

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Here's How Our Courses Stack Up Against The Competition.

What we Offer!

✅ 10+ Hours of recorded content @ INR 999/-
✅ No pre-requisite required (beginner-friendly)
✅ No Age Limit for the course
✅ Doubt Solving & Community Learning
✅ Get an Exclusive Discord Group with Akshit
✅ Lifetime Access to Recordings
✅ Certification Post Completion

What Others Offer!

 ₹5,000 to ₹10000 for 9-12 months.
 Get stuck with Pre-recorded sessions with poor engagement.
 Waste your time learning outdated topics that employers don't care about.
 Zero Motivation to stay consistent leading to course incompletion and frustration.

Why should you Buy This course?

Live Sessions

Project Based Learning

Mock Interview

Mentor Support

Who is this for?

Flutter course in Hindi would be suitable for individuals who are interested in learning app development using the Flutter framework and are more comfortable learning in the Hindi language. This course would be beneficial for-

📍 Beginners who are new to app development and want to learn how to build mobile apps using Flutter.

📍 Professionals who want to add a new skill to their portfolio and enhance their career prospects.

📍 Developers who have some experience with other programming languages and want to learn Flutter for app development.

📍 Students who are pursuing a degree in computer science or a related field and want to learn app development using Flutter.

Overall, anyone who wants to learn Flutter and prefers to learn in the Hindi language would find this course valuable.

What do you get?

The Flutter course in Hindi covers a range of topics related to mobile app development using the Flutter framework. Some of the key concepts that you can expect to learn from this course are:

✅ Introduction to Flutter and its architecture

✅ Building UI using Flutter widgets and layout

✅ Working with animations and graphics

✅ Handling user input and gestures

✅ State management in Flutter

✅ Using external packages and plugins

✅ Building network and database connections

✅ Deploying Flutter apps to various platforms

  • Course Topics: App development best practices, debugging techniques, performance optimization strategies
  • Course Materials: Video lectures, hands-on exercises, assignments
  • Learning Outcomes: Strong foundation in Flutter development, proficient in building mobile apps using Flutter
  • Additional Topics: Best practices for app development, effective debugging techniques, and efficient performance optimization strategies.


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